Home Java Banking Application FD Rate Calculation using Java

Banking Application FD Rate Calculation using Java

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In this tutorials i am to teach Banking Application FD Rate Calculation using Java.

Input your FD Rates
FD Rate must be grater than 100,000.
below 100,000 no interest rates included.

if the FD Rate more than 100,000 include
following condition

1. if the FD Rate more than 100,000
include 4.75 interest rate

2. if the FD Rate more than 500,000
include 6.75 interest rate

3. if the FD Rate more than 1000,000
include 8 interest rate


Here is code 

public class FirstApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double fdrate,interest_rate,accountbal;
        fdrate = 1500000;
        interest_rate = 0;
        accountbal =0;

        if(fdrate < 100000)
            System.out.println("FDrate not below 100000");
            if(fdrate >= 100000 && fdrate < 500000)
                interest_rate = fdrate * 4.75/100;
            else if(fdrate >= 500000 && fdrate < 1000000)
                interest_rate = fdrate * 6.75/100;
                interest_rate = fdrate * 8/100;
            System.out.println("Your Interest rate is " + interest_rate);
            accountbal = fdrate + interest_rate;
            System.out.println("Your Total Amount  is " + accountbal);





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