Home Node JS Mongodb Tutorial for Beginners

Mongodb Tutorial for Beginners

1 min read

In this tutorials will teach about mongodb database for beginners step by step. We have cover about the basic queries insert,update,find,delete,and,or.

View the employee records queries


Find queries

db.getCollection('employee').find({  name : "John" })

And Check both queries correct works

db.getCollection('employee').find({ name : "John" , age : 35 })

OR Check  either on correct works

{ $or: [ { age: 30}, { name: "John" } ] 

Insert queries

db.getCollection('records').insert( { name : "Kishan",age : 24,salary : 45000 })

Update queries

{name : "Kishan"},
{ $set: {age:34, salary: 40000}});

Delete queries

db.getCollection('employee').remove({ name : "Kishan"})

I have attached the video tutorial below it will help you  to do this  step by step.


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