Home Java Java OOPS Classes and Objects

Java OOPS Classes and Objects

3 min read

In this tutorials will  teach you what is the Classes and Objects step by step. This is an important for developing a java projects.  there are many students who struggling with this area. so that I bring this article for all to clear the doubts.


Classes are just a blue print or template.


public class Product 
   public String model;      
   public String brand;
   public double price;
   public String serial;
   public boolean tested;

   public void sell()
   public void repair()
    public void test()


Object are including methods and attributes.  i already created the class above.inside  the class consist of attributes and methods.  i have created the another class which name is test.java. By creating a object using the name of the class product.

//Object Creation
Product p1 = new Product();

Create the objects and assign the attributes and methods. i explained below code.

public class test 
    public static void main(String args[])
         //Object Creation
        Product p1 = new Product();
        p1.brand = "Toyato";
        p1.model = "BMW";
        p1.price = 500000;
        p1.tested = true;
        Product p2 = new Product();
        p2.brand = "abc";
        p2.model = "BBB";
        p2.price = 600000;
        p2.tested = true;
        Product p3 = new Product();
        p3.brand = "cvb";
        p3.model = "ert";
        p3.price = 700000;
        p3.tested = false;
        System.out.println("Brand is " +  p1.brand);
        System.out.println("model is " +  p1.model);
        System.out.println("model is " +  p2.model);
        System.out.println("model is " +  p3.model);

i have attached the video link below. which will do this tutorials step by step.



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